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Aspen Art Museum


Art Studio Live!
Achieving Texture with Gouge Sizes

Jun 16, 2021
2:30 PM
When creating a linocut, the size of your gouges matter! Join AAM Educator Vanessa Porras today at 2:30 p.m. (MT) for a demo on making different gouge sizes and the different patterns and textures one can achieve through use of cutting tools. We’ll also be taking a close look at artist José Lopez ‘s prints to learn about the various carving techniques he uses to create dimension.

¡Al crear un grabado en linóleo, el tamaño de tus gubias importa! Acompaña a la educadora de AAM, Vanessa Porras, hoy a las 2:30 pm MT para una demostración sobre diferentes tamaños de gubia y los diferentes patrones y texturas que puedes lograr. Observarás de cerca los grabados de José López y aprenderás sobre las diversas técnicas de tallado que usa para crear dimensión.

Broadcast live every Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. (MT) on Instagram, Art Studio Live! features art-making activities with easy-to-follow, step-by-step methods to expand learning and create with materials found at home.