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Aspen Art Museum


Ugo Rondinone: the rainbow body

Dec 12, 2024-Mar 30, 2025

In a new, site-specific exhibition by Ugo Rondinone, fluorescent, life-size casts of dancers lie within a Technicolor room in which each plane emits a different hue. Averting their gazes, the nude figures are impervious to viewers, but pulsing with vitality. This polychromatic cascade evokes one of nature’s most delicate and ephemeral phenomena: the rainbow. Forging links between the natural world and the spiritual realm, Rondinone continues his examination of the body’s dematerialization and human encounters with the sublime.

About Ugo Rondinone

Ugo Rondinone (b. 1964 in Brunnen, Switzerland) studied at the Universität für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna before moving to New York in 1997, where he lives and works to this day. His work has been the subject of recent institutional exhibitions at Museum SAN, Wonju (2024), Städel Museum, Frankfurt (2023), Storm King, New York (2023), Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva (2023), Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista di Venezia, Venice (2022), Petit Palais, Paris (2022), Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt (2022), Tamayo Museum, Mexico City (2022), and Belvedere, Vienna (2021). In 2007 he represented Switzerland at the 52nd Venice Biennale. Forthcoming exhibitions include a solo exhibition at Kunstmuseum Lucerne, Switzerland, in July 2024.

This exhibition is organized by Nicola Lees, Nancy and Bob Magoon Director, and Daniel Merritt, Director of Curatorial Affairs, with Simone Krug, Curator.