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Aspen Art Museum

  • Nov 3

    • 1 PM Education Program

      Arte en Español

      GRATUITO; Haga el favor de RSVP
      Se requiere reservación para el almuerzo comunitario

      ¡Únete a nosotros el domingo 3 de noviembre, de 1 a 5 PM, en el Museo de Arte de Aspen para Arte en Español!

      ¡Te invitamos a celebrar el Día de los Muertos en el Museo de Arte de Aspen! Disfruta de una variedad de actividades familiares GRATUITAS, que incluyen talleres para todas las edades, pintura facial gratuita, un almuerzo comunitario de Domingo Sausage Co., deliciosos bocados de Louis Swiss Bakery, retratos familiares por Summit Photo and Film, presentaciones de danza latina por Cumbre Flow, Mezcla Socials Dance y la única Ramona Chingona, música de la banda mariachi Los Reyes de Jalisco, una margarita o cerveza de cortesía de tu elección, y mucho más.

      Honraremos el Día de los Muertos creando un vibrante altar temporal en la azotea del Museo de Arte de Aspen. Te invitamos a traer un objeto personal para contribuir, o puedes desatar tu creatividad haciendo algo especial durante el evento. ¡Únete a nosotros mientras decoramos calaveras de azúcar y confeccionamos hermosas flores de cempasúchil juntos! Para asegurar el regreso seguro de tus objetos personales, recuerda etiquetarlos con tu nombre y número de teléfono.

      Por favor, confirma tu asistencia para nuestro almuerzo comunitario aquí para asegurarnos de tener suficiente comida.

      Para más información, contáctanos a o 970-925-8050.

      Arte en Español tiene como objetivo celebrar y honrar la rica cultura latina e hispana en el Valle de Roaring Fork, al mismo tiempo que proporciona una plataforma para la expresión artística y fomenta conexiones comunitarias.

      Destacados del evento:

      → 1–2 PM   Almuerzo comunitario

          Disfruta de deliciosa comida de Domingo Sausage Co. y sabrosos bocados de Louis Swiss Bakery, con una opción de margarita, paloma o cerveza, ¡todo generosamente proporcionado por LALO Tequila y Crooked Stave!

      → 1–5 PM   Retratos familiares

          Captura bellos recuerdos con retratos familiares profesionales de Summit Photo and Film.

      → 1–5 PM   Altar comunitario

          Trae un objeto personal para colocar en el altar o crea algo especial durante nuestros talleres gratuitos. *Ten en cuenta: el altar se desmontará al final del evento.

      → 1–3 PM   Talleres de arte

          ¡Únete a nuestros talleres de arte para todas las edades inspirados en el Día de los Muertos! Aprende a hacer flores de cempasúchil o decora tu propia calavera de azúcar.

      → 1–3 PM   Pintura facial

          ¡Entra en el espíritu del Día de los Muertos con pintura facial gratuita para todas las edades!

      → 2–3 PM   Presentaciones

          Disfruta de presentaciones latinas animadas y actuaciones de danza latina de Cumbre Flow, Mezcla Socials Dance y de la única Ramona Chingona.

      → 3–4 PM   ¡Fiesta de baile!

          ¡Únete a la diversión con una activación de música y baile dirigida por Cumbre Flow!

      → 4–5 PM   Banda mariachi Los Reyes de Jalisco

          Cierra el evento con una emocionante actuación de la banda mariachi local Los Reyes de Jalisco.

      FREE; RSVP Appreciated
      RSVP required to enjoy the Community Lunch

      Join us on Sunday, November 3, from 1 to 5 PM at the Aspen Art Museum for Arte en Español!

      We invite you to celebrate Día de los Muertos at the Aspen Art Museum! Enjoy a variety of FREE family activities, including all-ages workshops, free face painting, a community lunch by Domingo Sausage Co., delicious treats from Louis Swiss Bakery, family portraits by Summit Photo and Film, Latin dance performances by Cumbre Flow, Mezcla Socials Dance and Ramona Chingona, music by mariachi band Los Reyes de Jalisco, a complimentary margarita or beer of your choice, and much more!

      We will honor Día de los Muertos by creating a vibrant temporary altar on the Rooftop of the Aspen Art Museum. We invite you to bring a personal item to contribute, or you can unleash your creativity by making something special during the event. Join us as we decorate sugar skulls and craft beautiful marigold flowers together! To ensure the safe return of your personal items, please remember to label them with your name and phone number.

      Please RSVP for our community lunch here to ensure we have enough food.

      For more information, contact us at or 970-925-8050.

      Arte en Español aims to celebrate and honor the rich Latino and Hispanic culture in the Roaring Fork Valley while providing a platform for artistic expression and fostering community connections.

      Event Highlights:

      → 1 PM   Community Lunch

          Enjoy delicious food from Domingo Sausage Co. and tasty treats from Louis Swiss Bakery, with a choice of margarita, paloma, or beer, all generously provided by LALO Tequila and Crooked Stave!

      → 1–5 PM   Family Portraits

          Capture beautiful memories with professional family portraits by Summit Photo and Film.

      → 1–5 PM   Community Altar

          Bring a personal item to place on the altar or create something special during our free workshops. *Please note: the altar will be taken down at the end of the event.

      → 1–3 PM   Art Workshops

          Join our all-ages art workshops inspired by Día de los Muertos! Learn to make marigold flowers or decorate your own sugar skull.

      → 1–3 PM   Face Painting

          Get into the spirit of Día de los Muertos with free face painting for all ages!

      → 2–3 PM   Performances

          Enjoy lively Latin performances and dance performances by Cumbre Flow, Mezcla Socials Dance, and the one and only Ramona Chingona.

      → 3–4 PM   Dance Fiesta!

          Join the fun with a music and dance activation led by Cumbre Flow!

      → 4 PM   Mariachi Band Los Reyes de Jalisco

          Wrap up the event with an exciting performance by the local mariachi band Los Reyes de Jalisco.

  • Nov 5

    • 3 PM Education Program

      Drop-In Art School

      Drop-In Art School workshops are FREE and open to the public. No registration is required.

      Drop-In Art School is our weekly Tuesday art-making workshop from 3–5 PM for community members of all ages. These workshops introduce contemporary art, providing various opportunities to create and explore.

  • Nov 9

    • 10 AM Education Program

      Family Workshop

      Family Workshops are FREE and require registration.

      Our monthly Family Workshops from 10 AM–12 PM allow children and adults to explore the galleries and create works of art. Families are encouraged to communicate, reflect, and produce as artists together.

  • Nov 12

    • 11 AM Education Program

      Story Art

      Join us at the Pitkin County Library for Story Art—a FREE drop-in program specially designed for young children and their parents or caregivers that combines the magic of storytelling with creative art activities inspired by children’s storybook readings.

    • 3 PM Education Program

      Drop-In Art School

      Drop-In Art School workshops are FREE and open to the public. No registration is required.

      Drop-In Art School is our weekly Tuesday art-making workshop from 3–5 PM for community members of all ages. These workshops introduce contemporary art, providing various opportunities to create and explore.

  • Nov 19

    • 3 PM Education Program

      Drop-In Art School

      Drop-In Art School workshops are FREE and open to the public. No registration is required.

      Drop-In Art School is our weekly Tuesday art-making workshop from 3–5 PM for community members of all ages. These workshops introduce contemporary art, providing various opportunities to create and explore.

  • Nov 26

    • 11 AM Education Program

      Story Art

      Join us at the Pitkin County Library for Story Art—a FREE drop-in program specially designed for young children and their parents or caregivers that combines the magic of storytelling with creative art activities inspired by children’s storybook readings.

    • 3 PM Education Program

      Drop-In Art School

      Drop-In Art School workshops are FREE and open to the public. No registration is required.

      Drop-In Art School is our weekly Tuesday art-making workshop from 3–5 PM for community members of all ages. These workshops introduce contemporary art, providing various opportunities to create and explore.

  • Dec 3

    • 3 PM Education Program

      Drop-In Art School

      Drop-In Art School workshops are FREE and open to the public. No registration is required.

      Drop-In Art School is our weekly Tuesday art-making workshop from 3–5 PM for community members of all ages. These workshops introduce contemporary art, providing various opportunities to create and explore.

  • Dec 10

    • 11 AM Education Program

      Story Art

      Join us at the Pitkin County Library for Story Art—a FREE drop-in program specially designed for young children and their parents or caregivers that combines the magic of storytelling with creative art activities inspired by children’s storybook readings.